Friday, 27 November 2015

Holiday Online Shopping Guide - Part 1

By Home Style Furniture

Online shopping has become a multibillion-dollar revenue stream. The modern day shopper looks for attractive online offers. Find out how to go about evaluating your needs when shopping for furniture online. Watch this video to find out! Stay tuned for our second video that will identify secure websites and best practices.

Content provided by: @tailbase

Friday, 20 November 2015

The Christmas Tree: Real or Fake?

By Home Style Furniture

It’s that time again! Every year, the real versus artificial Christmas tree debate repeats itself. Just decades ago, families only had two options to choose from; a real pine or fir tree. This was true until an artificial tree was created from brush bristles in the 1930s, which served as a prototype for the modern artificial tree. Let’s consider the assertions for and against both real and artificial trees.

The Artificial Tree:
One of the main reasons people are inclined to purchase an artificial tree is out of guilt. The idea of having to cut down a new tree every year can ruin the holidays for some.

Due to the present economic climate, it seems that investing in an artificial tree is more appealing to the consumer rather than the annually purchase of a real Christmas tree. In addition, convenience is another deciding factor. An artificial tree is low maintenance as it does not necessitate any watering, nor does it shed pine needles on the floor.

Contrary to the popular belief which states that the artificial tree has a positive impact on the environment, sadly they have a greater negative impact when all aspects of their life cycle are considered. Today’s artificial trees are frequently manufactured with metal and PVC, a non-biodegradable plastic. Also, many older varieties contain lead, a poisonous substance once used as a stabilizer. Seeing as the PVC contents are non-biodegradable, they will remain in landfills for centuries.

The Real Tree:
Pop culture teaches that cutting down trees is bad for the environment. However, 93% of real trees sold in North America are recycled through more than 4000 programs. “Treecycling” is the leading reason that experts favor this method over their plastic counterparts. It’s a no-brainer: an easy way to return a recyclable and natural source to the environment instead of making it sit in a landfill. In fact, recycled Christmas trees are turned into mulch which is often used for landscaping, gardening, playgrounds, shoreline stabilization, etc. 

Despite the aforementioned benefits for the environment, there are associated cons for the consumer. Aside from the argument that a real tree is higher maintenance, there is the fact that they are farmed with agricultural products. This implies that pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers are applied to the trees. In an ideal world, trees would be raised organically without using harsh chemicals. Obviously, that would incur higher costs.

So what’s the final verdict? We’ll let you decide.

Content provided by: @tailbase

Friday, 13 November 2015

Pick Your Dining Room Style

By Home Style Furniture

Dining room is not an ordinary room where we eat and that’s it. It is more than that. It is also a party room, a conference room, a playroom, an office, a craft and creation studio, and much more than that! That is why we want it to be so special and in our image. Every home has its style; which style is yours?


Prisms, modern materials, natural colors and classic look combined to give a casual ambiance with a punch of fresh-looking.


Woodcut, brown-beige color scheme, textile with fine designs and candles for a warm ambiance and timeless design.

Metallic materials, dark and clear colors combined, mix of textures and rustic punch of wood to give an industrial loft-style without despising the comfort.

Vintage Casual:
A punch of old-style mix with a modern-style resulting of classical old fashion décor and furniture. Add to this wood, grey-beige color scheme and inspiration of yours and you obtain the vintage casual style than you will love forever.

Content provided by: @tailbase

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Remembrance Day


Tomorrow is Remembrance Day! Although, it is not a countrywide statutory holiday ; we will all take some time to remember men and women who have served, and continue to serve their country during times of war, conflict and peace.

Remembrance Day ceremonies will be held at cenotaphs or Museums throughout Canada.  Hosted by officials, veterans or military forces depending on the place, the community will participate in demonstrating their remembrance to their country heroes! Parades, chorales followed by receptions will be on the program for some cities. Some shops will even “commemorate” with some great deals.

What will you do at the 11th hour of on the 11th day of the 11th month to remember them? 
Why not start simply! Wear a poppy and salute our Canadian military!

Content provided by: @tailbase

Friday, 6 November 2015

Adding Decorative Accents To Your Living Room

By Home Style Furniture

There is a list of a few questions you must ask yourself when looking to add decorative accents to your living room. Don’t worry, no need to ask a designer to do it. Here are 5 simple questions you might ask yourself before adding decorations to your living room:
  1. Which color scheme are you using in your living room?
  2. What kind of ambiance do you want to make?
  3. Is there a common theme in your living room (florals, vintage, monochrome)? Do you want to keep this theme or change it?
  4. Where do you want to add decorations?
  5. Why do you want to add decorations?

Based on these questions, you should be able to make a good choice. 

Now, little tips and advice to help you make a better choice:
  • First of all, if you have kids, it is not recommended to choose fragile decorations like a glass vase or pottery for places they can reach. Adding some decorative candles and/or printed pillows can be a good alternative.
  • Make sure that you find the same color at least in 3 items and not more than 5 colors (different tones don’t count as a different color if they are similar). Too many different colors in the same room make it hard to match them.
  • Don’t be afraid to use textures and patterns, but not more than 3 (you don’t want your living room decor to be inconsistent). Choosing a theme helps to choose the textures and patterns.
  • Keep in mind the size of the room while you’re shopping; too much decoration rarely gives good results and make the small rooms seem smaller.
  • Adding decorative pillows can make all the difference, you might try this before adding anything else.

Content provided by: @tailbase

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Movember – “Changing The Face of Men’s Health”

By Home Style Furniture

Movember, which initially began in 2003 as a running gag involving the disappearance of a fashion trend, triggered an idea with a deeper sense of purpose. This charity is committed to creating awareness about some of the biggest health issues that men face worldwide. In particular, they focus on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity. Since 2003, millions have joined this movement and their efforts culminated to funding over 1000 programs and raising approximately $677 million. Let’s take a look at some statistics that drive these initiatives:

  • Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men globally, with over 1.1 million recorded cases in 2012
  • Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men, but is often forgotten due to early detection
  • One man dies every minute from suicide around the world – a result of poor mental health
  • Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality in men

So how exactly does a somewhat comical, yet memorable notion like growing and grooming a moustache for a month inspire change? In the words of Adam Garone, the CEO & co-founder of the Movember Foundation, their vision is “Changing the face of men’s health”. How do they intend to change the face of men’s health one might ask? The aim is to educate the population, as well as raise funds to increase early detection, diagnosis and effective treatments. If this is a cause that you would like to support, then jump on the bandwagon! First, sign up and begin with a clean shaven face on November 1st. Then, for 30 days, grow and groom a moustache that will turn you into a living billboard for men’s health. Finally, raise funds and educate people about what you’ve learned. So grow your mo, bro.

Content provided by: +Tailbase